In most cases, our website optimization techniques can improve loading time by over 85%. In addition, we will optimize your website for SEO so that it appears higher in Google search results.
Search engines such as Google or Bing are based on a pre-established list of rules to raise or lower your positioning in the search results. Our experts make sure that your website complies with these rules. A poorly formatted website for search engines can be negatively affected and have a lower positioning.
No. It is not possible to guarantee a higher position in search engines. There are many factors to consider, including the content of your website and your competitors. However, in the majority in cases, a positive result is observed.
No. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a paid technique where you pay an amount for each user visiting your website. At Devoweb, we focus solely on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase the number of visits to your website organically. Your website will appears higher in the search results in a natural way.